AEI Now Delivering ISO Alerts for PJM, MISO and CAISO
August, 2017
A map of Independent System Operators, the governing authorities for electric power distribution in North America.

A map of Independent System Operators, the governing authorities for electric power distribution in North America.
Extending its free and popular ISO Alerts service for ISO New England and NYISO, AEI recently added coverage for PJM, MISO and CA-ISO. With the addition of these three grid operators, AEI now provides near real-time SMS and E-Mail alerts to customers covered by 5 of the 7 major ISOs in the U.S., responsible for the delivery of electric power to nearly 65% of America. It plans to provide coverage for ERCOT and SWPP in the very near future.
AEI has built interfaces that connect to the web services of each ISO, retrieving their real-time loads and forecasts every 5 minutes. It then compares the current load and daily forecast to its database of historic load data for each ISO to determine if new peak conditions are imminent. When there is a significant risk of hitting a new peak load, users of the service receive a text message or e-mail to alert them of the condition 2 to 4 hours in advance of the approaching peak. The service includes the delivery of a Morning Report for each ISO that rates the probability of a new peak each day which takes into account the historic ability of each ISO to accurately forecast the day-ahead loads.
For customers on a utility rate tariff that has a demand component based on a facility's peak usage, this service is a zero-cost way for managers to avoid a coincident peak with the grid, thereby reducing their apparent load at the time the ISO declares the installed capacity hour for the year.
To learn more about the Independent System Operators in the U.S., visit the FERC website.
Visit AEI ISO Alerts to learn more and sign-up for this free service.