AEI Approved as MHEC Supplier through 2020
June, 2017
AEI has been selected as a Massachusetts Higher Education Consortium (MHEC) supplier to provide Facility Maintenance and Energy Assessment Software to MHEC members through June 2020. The letter from MHEC reads: "Your bid response was evaluated and determined to be the most responsible and responsive bid that offered best value to MHEC members".
As an approved vendor to MHEC, AEI is offering significant discounts on its entire product portfolio to higher education member facilities in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Rhode Island. With this award, AEI will be able to design integrated and custom energy information solutions that deliver energy and water usage baselines and trending, time-of-use energy profiling, real-time metering, tracking of greenhouse gas emissions, and benchmarking to national standards. The design goal is always to deliver insight that yields energy savings opportunities with less than one year payback, and baselines and cost-to-operate models that support capital planning decisions for more extensive opportunities with decent payback.
With our novel low-cost approach to real-time metering, energy managers can monitor the building loads across an entire campus in real-time, positioning themselves for better response to peak demand conditions and other operational states where energy use is particularly acute or expensive. This includes text message and e-mail alerts when individual buildings are nearing billing period peak levels that can have significant negative effects on the monthly utility bill. Real-time metering also enables rolling profiles, quickly identifying wasted energy being consumed during unoccupied hours at individual buildings.
For more information, MHEC members can visit our MHEC Solutions web page or contact us to schedule a 30 minute web conference where we can walk through selected examples and discuss the specific options for your facilities.
To learn more about membership in the MHEC, interested institutions should visit the MHEC at